Economic Competitiveness Program

Investment and growth led by the private sector is essential to catalyze expanded economic development, reduce income inequality and boost regional prosperity across the Americas. Such investment is predicated on open markets, sound fiscal and tax policies, regulatory transparency and the rule of law, as well as a skilled workforce adaptable to the demands of today’s ever-changing digital economy.

Given changing geo-politics, the U.S., Canada, Mexico and the neighboring countries of Central America and the Caribbean are now uniquely positioned to build more secure and resilient next generation supply chains. That said, today, cooperation and integration among countries in the region, including North America, are under threat due to a variety of domestic, regional and international fissures.

Assembly line worker at the Flextronics maquiladora plant in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

In an effort to promote regional economic competitiveness across North America, the Institute of the Americas (IOA) has partnered with UC San Diego’s School of Global Policy & Strategy to serve as the U.S. Coordinators of the North American Forum (NAF). The IOA is also partnering with the UC San Diego Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies to support the Commission of the Californias (COMCAL) with the goal of helping to spur the regional economic competitiveness of the tri-state Las Californias region encompassing the states of California, Baja California and Baja California Sur.

IOA is working to promote programs that help foster greater economic cooperation, trade, tourism and investment among California’s strategic trading partners in the Hemisphere including Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia and Chile.

North American Competitiveness Working Group

The Institute of the Americas, in collaboration with the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, the George W. Bush Institute, the Future Borders Coalition (Canada) and the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations (COMEXI), has convened a working group to evaluate and make recommendations on the United States’ emergent industrial policy and its impact on the relocation of global production chains, particularly relating to North America.

The working group will propose policy approaches to ensure that the current moment of U.S. fixation on China strengthens North American economic integration, boosting the productivity, prosperity and competitiveness of the U.S., Mexico and Canada.

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