Future Energy Leaders

About the Initiative

Welcome to the forefront of sustainable change! The Institute of the Americas, strategically located on the University of California San Diego (UCSD) campus, is thrilled to introduce our landmark initiative – “Future Energy Leaders.”

With the philanthropic support of our friend and former energy executive at Solar Turbines, Johan Gerretsen and Theodore Gildred III, IOA’s board member and son of the Institute’s founder, we have successfully cultivated a dynamic and meaningful connection with the next generation of trailblazers in the energy sector.

Thanks to the generosity of our philanthropic partners, we have elevated our engagement with UC San Diego graduate students, transforming it into a robust and formalized project. A testament to this collaboration was the recent participation of several students as rapporteurs at our prestigious Madrid Energy Conference. This unparalleled opportunity not only counted on their support to produce the conference summary report but also enabled them to interact with energy officials and executives from across the globe.

Additionally, UCSD graduate students were instrumental in the development and implementation of a project focused on the role and performance of key national oil companies in Latin America with regards to sustainable development and energy transition. With their support, we performed a quantitative comparative analysis and assessment that resulted in a unique infographic.

As part of our commitment to nurturing talent globally, Ted Gildred III’s contribution allowed us to establish scholarships for two graduate students at the Center for the Study of Energy Regulatory Activities (CEARE) at the University of Buenos Aires. This initiative not only fosters academic excellence but also enhances the foundation for future energy leaders.

These scholars will not only receive financial support for their academic pursuits but will also be integral members of unique research projects, propelling them into the forefront of innovative energy solutions.

Meet the Future Energy Leaders

Ana Zapata

Clean Energy Consultant & Policy Analyst
Master of International Affairs – GPS
UC San Diego


“The Madrid and La Jolla Energy Conferences, along with my time as a researcher at the Institute of the Americas, transformed my career, enhanced my expertise and fostered invaluable industry connections.”

– Ana Zapata

Andrea Velazquez Acevedo

Production Associate | ARITZIA
Master of International Affairs – GPS
UC San Diego


Angela Solanilla

Economics and Public Policy Consultant
Master of Public Policy & Environmental Policy – GPS UC San Diego


Anne Charles

Research Project Manager II- Hematologic Curation Systems and Services
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Master of International Affairs – GPS
UC San Diego

2023 – 2024

Camila Agustina Mercure

Master on Interdisciplinary Energy Studies at CEARE
University of Buenos Aires


2023 – 2024

Ernesto A. Castañeda

Master of International Affairs – GPS
UC San Diego


Ezra Kraus

Director of Analytics at Endurant Energy
Master of International Affairs – GPS
UC San Diego


“Collaborating with the IOA and attending the MEC granted me unique access to top experts and cutting-edge debates that propelled my energy career forward in a way that traditional learning settings couldn’t provide.”

– Ezra Kraus

Gordon M. Magne

Energy, Economics, Environmental Sustainability Analyst
Master of International Affairs – GPS
UC San Diego

2023 – 2024

“The IOA is truly a leader in researching and shaping LATAM’s energy transition. I feel so fortunate to have worked with the dedicated and passionate individuals within the organization.”

– Gordon M. Magne

Jocelyn Huitron-Gutiérrez

Master of International Affairs – GPS
UC San Diego


Juan Ignacio Carranza

Master on Interdisciplinary Energy Studies at CEARE
University of Buenos Aires

2023 – 2024

Mateo Miller

Master of Arts in International Relations – University of San Diego


Matthew Burditt

Master of International Affairs – GPS UC San Diego


Maykent Salazar

Policy Advisor
Master of International Affairs – GPS
UC San Diego


“Attending both the La Jolla Energy and Madrid Energy Conferences, I gained a profound appreciation for the transformative potential Latin America holds to fuel the energy transition forward, and the growing number of opportunities for women in this sector.”

– Maykent Salazar

Paula Jaramillo

Master of International Affairs – GPS
UC San Diego

2023 – 2024

Roberto Hernández

Master of International Affairs – GPS
UC San Diego


Tamara Handfas

Environmental Lawyer
Master of International Affairs – GPS
UC San Diego

2023 – 2024

William Lozano Arciniega

Head of Political & Economic Affairs, Consulate General of Mexico in Atlanta
Master of International Affairs & Environmental Governance – GPS
UC San Diego



If you are interested in becoming a catalyst for positive change and empowering the next generation of policymakers, executives and regulators shaping the future of sustainable energy, contact Jeremy M. Martin, Energy & Sustainability Vice President, at [email protected]