Our people

Every member of our team contributes to the Institute’s mission to improve the economic and social well-being of the people of the Americas.

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Our Team

Our team of staff, advisors and fellows integrates a wide variety of skill sets, professional experience, and education into the work we do in addressing emerging regional challenges across the Americas in the areas of energy, environment & climate change and economic competitiveness. 

Our Board

The Institute of the Americas Board of Directors represents a diverse group of business and thought leaders from throughout the Americas with experience in the public, private and nonprofit sectors as well as academia.     

Advisory Council

Our International Advisory Council provides the Institute’s Board and President & CEO with critical thought leadership and advice in support of the organization’s on-going programs and future programmatic initiatives across the Americas.

Non-Resident Fellows

Our Non-Resident Fellows are recognized energy sector experts from across the Western Hemisphere and Europe with diverse backgrounds in government, industry and academia. They are an integral part of all of our programming and thought-leadership efforts.

Diplomatic Fellowship Program

Bridging nations, our Diplomatic Fellows bring their rich diplomatic insight to the table. Through dialogue and collaboration, their contributions shape our work in energy, environment, climate change, and economic competitiveness from the Americas and beyond.