Energy Outlook Report 2023

Energy Outlook Report 2023

Jan 23, 2023 | Energy

The holidays offer a unique time to disconnect from the daily grind and the new year brings our tradition at the Institute of the Americas: a moment to reflect in writing about the energy landscape and outlook. Our roster of Non-Resident Fellows prepared short essays and a high-level overview and insights based upon two principal organizing themes: things I did not expect in 2022, and things I do expect in 2023, in the world of energy. The perspectives from our 10 thought leaders, based across the Western Hemisphere and in the UK, considered the long tail of COVID, inflation, China, supply chains, but especially the Russian invasion of Ukraine and how it has roiled already temperamental energy markets and brought back to the fore the importance of energy security. All composed in a brief look back but primarily a view to the coming 12 months.