Energizing the Americas Brief 2024

Energizing the Americas: A Blueprint for US Foreign Policy


In an era defined by geopolitical conflict and climate change vulnerabilities, energy security stands as a critical challenge across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). With nations at a pivotal juncture, strategic leadership from the United States is essential to navigate evolving energy trade dynamics and the transition towards cleaner sources.

President Biden’s Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEP) aims to drive economic integration and sustainable development throughout the hemisphere. Yet, its broad scope risks diluting effective engagement and cooperation. Despite the Americas Trade and Investment Act showcasing US commitment, doubts persist over its ability to adequately address LAC’s geopolitical challenges.

Strategic energy policy cooperation is imperative for US engagement across the Americas. By leveraging regional strengths and fostering pragmatic engagement, US institutions can lead transformative initiatives. For instance, optimizing domestic natural gas resources and establishing national carbon federations present promising avenues for addressing challenges and promoting shared prosperity.

A brief co-authored by Gerardo Penchyna, Bernarda Jarrín, Leonardo Beltrán, and Jeremy Martin.