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30th Anniversary La Jolla Energy Conference


The La Jolla Conference was launched 30 year’s ago to promote discussion of private sector investment in Latin America and the Caribbean’s energy sector. It was at the height of the wave of privatization and liberalization in the region, a time when most countries in the region sought private investment.

Each year, Ministers of Energy, company CEOs, heads of regulatory agencies, investment funds, among others, convene for dialogue and discussion. The La Jolla Conference has evolved over the year’s to include a much more robust discourse around policy and regulatory issues, geopolitics, the role of the US and US policy toward the region and the importance to understand global energy and sustainability trends and how they both pertain to the region and can be critical lessons learned.

This year’s La Jolla conference invites you to participate in high-level yet casual networking, joining the conversation with an esteemed group of speakers discussing the energy landscape for the Americas for next 30 year’s.

Join the discussion – click here to register and be a part of the future of energy.


Who should attend this year’s event

The La Jolla Conference is aimed at entrepreneurs, C-Suite executives, analysts and managers from across the entire energy sector value chain. It’s designed for those who want to accelerate reinvention and maximize their knowledge of today’s rapidly evolving energy world.

If you care about or seek to understand regional energy issues, policy developments, investment opportunities and regional geopolitics you need to be at the La Jolla Conference.


Virtual Panels and Discussions

Every Friday morning (PDT) in May we will be hosting live panels and presentations on the interactive Remo Platform.

Virtual Networking

Every Friday our virtual lounge will offer a unique interactive experience driven by the Remo Platform.

Virtual Roundtables
and Breakout Sessions

Every Wednesday in May and organized on an invite-only basis via Zoom platform.

Full Month Access to
Related Conference

 Pre-recorded deep dive interviews with government officials, regulators, executives and other thought leaders and other content that will be available on-demand for registered participants.



Agnes da Costa

Alfonso Blanco

Anna Shpitsberg

Anthony Hayward

Armando Zamora Reyes

Bertrand Piccard

Carlos Pascual

Carlos Sarmiento

Cecilia De La Macorra

Christian Iturri

Decio Oddone

Elizabeth Urbanas

Enrique Rodriguez-Flores

Faisel Khan

Federica Salazar

Fiona Clouder

Gabriel Prudencio

Gema Sancristan

Glaucia Roveri dos Santos

John Padilla

Jorge Milanese

Jorge Rivera Staff

Jose Luis Manzano

Juan Martin Bulgheroni

Kevin Ramnarine

Manuel Pablo Zunniga Pflucker

Marcelino Madrigal

Marta Jara Otero

Nadia Rhazi Khawar

Neil Brown

Omar Paganini

Rafael Velazco

Rafaela Guedes

Roberto Herrera

Roberto Quirós Balma

Rodolfo Lacy

Rolando Gonzalez Bunster

Salvador Handal

Santiago Sacerdote

Saverio Minervini

Silvia Alvarado

Sira Corbetta

Sylvie D’Apote

Tania Ortiz Mena

Warren Levy

Agnes da Costa

Head of the Regulatory Advisory Office, Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil

Agnes M. da Costa, as Head of the Regulatory Advisory Office at the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy, is an internationally recognized energy specialist with more than 16 years advising Ministers in energy and natural resources policy design in Brazil. She has a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and completed her M.Sc. studies in Energy at the University of São Paulo (USP). Her professional experience also includes working at a Brazilian bank with project finance in the energy sector.

Agnes has great experience in coordinating collaborative work, putting many stakeholders together to build solutions that generate a common public value. Her main experiences in coordinating collaborative work have been the privatization processes of power utilities and the Brazilian power sector reform.

With an extensive list of publications and appearances as a speaker at national and international forums debating the role and trends of the energy sector, she contributes to the understanding of the policies under development in Brazil and worldwide.

She has also been adding with her sectorial expertise and business savvy to corporate boards for over than 6 years and is also an enthusiast of the role played by the energy sector in social and economic inclusion.

Co-author of the #simelasexistem project, she is a precursor to the debate on career and leadership from the point of view of women in the energy sector in Brazil, seeking to increase the retention and sense of belonging of all its talent pool.

A Srª Agnes Maria de Aragão da Costa é Chefe da Assessoria Especial em Assuntos Regulatórios, tendo como especialidade as Economias de Energia e de Mineração. Atua há 16 anos no MME, na recomendação e na formulação de políticas públicas. Possui bacharelado em Ciências Econômicas pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) e é mestre em Energia pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Servidora da carreira de Especialista de Políticas Públicas e Gestão Governamental. Atualmente é membro do Conselho Fiscal da Petrobras. Foi membro do Conselho de administração da CEAL, CEPISA e Norte Energia e membro do Conselho Fiscal da Eletrobras.

Alfonso Blanco

Executive Secretary, OLADE

Since the beginning of 2017, Alfonso Blanco Bonilla has held the position of Executive Secretary of the Latin American Energy Organization, elected by the Meeting of Energy Ministers of Latin America and the Caribbean for the period 2017-2020. He holds a degree in Industrial Mechanical Engineering from the University of the Republic of Uruguay, a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the ORT University and a Diploma in Economics from UdelaR. He has a broad background as an Energy specialist in Latin America with an emphasis on regulatory issues, energy policy, project formulation and evaluation, business development and financing models. Prior to his current position at OLADE, he was a consultant for the World Bank, IDB, CAF and the United Nations and held senior positions within the Uruguayan government, leading various components of Uruguay’s energy transformation that began in 2005. He has participated in the formulation, evaluation, execution, start-up, and management of programs and projects for the public and private sectors and in direct liaison with international organizations.

Anna Shpitsberg

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Transformation, Bureau of Energy Resources, US Department of State

Anna Shpitsberg serves as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Transformation at the U.S. Department of State. Ms. Shpitsberg is responsible for supporting a shift to a decarbonized economy that enables secure and resilient energy systems. Shpitsberg leads efforts and advises on power market reform, clean energy financing, and resilient supply chains to support transitioning power, transport, and end-use sectors. Additionally, she leads U.S. representation at the International Renewable Energy Agency, and other bilateral and multilateral engagements on energy with U.S. allies and partners.

In her prior role, Shpitsberg served as Director for Global Power and Renewables at IHS Markit. In this capacity she conducted research on emerging trends in the power sector; collaborated with teams covering power, clean energy technology, upstream energy, climate, economics, transport, and agriculture on possible outcomes for the energy transition; advised  executives on trends that may impact their business strategy; led corporate renewable research, including the outlook for the United States; consulted on bespoke renewable projects; and managed the buildout of power market analysis and research in Africa and the Middle East.

Prior to joining IHS Markit, Ms. Shpitsberg established the U.S. Department of State’s Power Sector Program (PSP) through which she partnered with and advised utilities, regulators, system operators, and energy ministries on power market reform, energy resource optimization and procurement, regional power market development, and renewable energy integration and financing. In this role, she designed, managed, and advised on over 30 projects in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, including in Angola, Argentina, Cambodia, Chile, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, and Vietnam. She also held positions at the U.S. Department of Energy, the Rocky Mountain Institute, and Morgan Stanley. Ms. Shpitsberg holds a BS from Binghamton University in Finance and an MEM in Environmental Economics and Policy from Duke University with a focus on power systems and the energy-water nexus.

Anthony Hayward

Executive Chairman, SierraCol Energy

Armando Zamora Reyes

President National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH), Colombia

Mechanical Engineer and Specialist in High Government from Los Andes University; Armando Zamora Reyes, current President of the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH). He has a Master of Science and Doctorate in Engineering from MIT, and an MBA from IMD (Lausanne). He is an Honorary Professor at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mining Studies of the University of Dundee (Scotland), where he was Deputy Director.

Mr. Zamora was the first Director of the National Hydrocarbons Agency from 2003 to 2011, emphasizing in the creation and strengthening of the new regulatory authority of the hydrocarbon sector in Colombia, as well as the adoption of a new model for concession contracts. He organized and executed six area bid rounds for exploration and production of the hydrocarbon sector, derived as modern, competitive and fair. Among other achievements, he has also served as Senior Advisor to Accenture Strategy Energy and Schlumberger Business Consulting, Senior Consultant to the Boston Consulting Group, and Consultant to the IDB, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the International Finance Corporation. He previously worked at Mobil de Colombia, the Institute of Nuclear Affairs, Carbocol and Corporación Invertir en Colombia, currently Procolombia.

Bertrand Piccard

Chairman, Solar Impulse Foundation

Carlos Pascual

Senior Vice President, Global Energy, IHS Markit

Carlos Pascual is senior vice president for Global Energy and International Affairs, responsible for leading all business lines in Latin America.

As the energy envoy and coordinator for international energy affairs for the United States, Mr. Pascual established and directed the new Energy Resources Bureau at the U.S. Department of State and was senior advisor to the Secretary of State on energy issues. He had previously been a United States Ambassador to both Mexico and Ukraine and was special assistant to the President and successively as director and then senior director for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia on the National Security Council. At the Brookings Institution, Mr. Pascual served as both vice president and director of foreign policy studies and launched the Brookings Energy Security Initiative. He taught and wrote on energy geopolitics at Columbia University. Mr. Pascual created the position of coordinator for reconstruction and stabilization, establishing the State Department’s first civilian response capacity to conflicts. He also was the State Department’s coordinator for American assistance to Europe and Eurasia. He has also held leadership roles at the U.S. Agency for International Development, including as deputy assistant administrator for Europe and Eurasia, chief of policy and strategy for Africa and in field postings in Mozambique, South Africa and Sudan. Mr. Pascual received his Masters of Public Policy degree from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and his Bachelor of Arts degree from Stanford University. His book, Power and Responsibility, won a 2009 award for the best political science book published by an independent publisher.

Carlos Sarmiento

Managing Director – Ecuador, Colombia & Peru Schlumberger

Ecuatoriano, nacido en Ibarra el 17 de julio de 1970. Ingeniero Mecánico – graduado de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional de Quito; MBA – RSM Erasmus University, Rotterdam-Países Bajos; Certificado de Estrategia Disruptiva – con Clayton Christensen, Harvard Business School. Casado con Deasy Chavarro; padre de tres hijos: Sofía, Filipe y Arantxa.

Ha ocupado diferentes puestos en la industria petrolera, desde ingeniero de campo hasta gerente general, pasando por otros departamentos, tales como Recursos Humanos, Ventas, Comercial, Capacitación y Operaciones, en todas partes desde Alaska hasta la Patagonia.

Carlos cree que el trabajo en equipo es un elemento clave del liderazgo situacional y avizora un futuro en el que podrá comunicarse con las personas y quienes lo rodean con respecto a los negocios en el área geográfica. Carlos trabaja constantemente por mejorarse a sí mismo, buscando el nuevo Everest, creyendo que es el problema el que necesita ser eliminado, no la consecuencia. Lo más importante, es que quiere centrarse en lo que tiene a la mano para encontrar oportunidades y no centrarse en lo que falta para evitar problemas.

A lo largo de su carrera, ha visto crecer a otras personas y su mayor orgullo es verlas mejorar, no solo como individuos, sino también como empleados. Carlos se esfuerza constantemente por dejar una marca en todo lo que emprende.

Cecilia De La Macorra

Director for the Americas, International Government Relations, Exxon Mobil Corporation

Cecilia De La Macorra serves as director for the Americas for international government relations at Exxon Mobil Corporation, in Washington, DC, where she works closely with other senior management to support the business objectives of the company. In this role she is responsible for developing political analysis and executing policy and advocacy strategies for the region and coordinating outreach across markets.

Before joining the Corporation’s government relations center of expertise in early 2012, Ms. De La Macorra was ExxonMobil’s director for public and government affairs for Mexico. In this capacity, she had responsibility for all government relations functions and helped created new business opportunities for ExxonMobil. She also served as the official spokesperson for the company in Mexico and led the team responsible for media relations, communications, and corporate citizenship programs.

Ms. De La Macorra holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from Columbia University, with a focus on Latin American Studies and International Media and Communications. She also holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations with a minor in International Economics from Universidad Iberoamericana (with courses at Georgetown University). Ms. De La Macorra currently serves as a member of the U.S. section for the U.S.-Mexico Energy Business Council and as a member of the board of the Woodrow Wilson Center Mexico Institute.

Christian Iturri

General Manager, New Markets Americas, Shell

Christian has more than 20 years of Oil and Gas Industry experience in both upstream and gas/LNG commercial and managerial activities.

Christian joined Shell from the BG Group where he was most recently the VP for LNG Marketing for the Group, in charge of all mid and long-term LNG sales. Prior to that he has was the Managing Director Norway and VP Growth and Strategy Europe E&P where he managed all Business Development and Exploration activities for Europe.

As General Manager New Markets Americas, Christian in in charge of the gas, power and environmental products market development, strategy and execution in the region.

A US citizen, originally from Bolivia, Christian has had the fortune to have lived in 8 different countries, he is married with 3 Children.

Decio Oddone

CEO, Enauta

Décio Fabrício Oddone da Costa has a BS degree in Electrical Engineering and has studied Petroleum Engineering. He has attended the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School and the Advanced Management Programme at Insead. He was awarded an honorary PhD in Education from Universidad de Aquino. He was the CEO of Petrobras Bolivia, the Chairman and CEO of Petrobras Energia, a Vice-president of Braskem, an Officer of Prumo Logística and the General Director of the Brazilian National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency. He was a member of the Board of the Institute of the Americas and the President of the Bolivian-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and President of the Argentine Chamber of the Oil Industry.

Elizabeth Urbanas

Acting Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, US Department of Energy

Beth Urbanas is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia and the Americas at the Office of International Affairs in the U.S. Department of Energy. Ms. Urbanas is responsible for managing DOE’s bilateral and multilateral engagement with Asian and American countries. Ms. Urbanas is also responsible for DOE’s work in several multilateral fora including the North Amerian Leaders’ Summit, APEC and ECPA. Prior to her current position, she was the Director for European and Eurasian Affairs at the Office of International Affairs in the U.S. Department of Energy. In this role she was also responsible for DOE’s work in the G20 and G7. Prior to working at DOE, Ms. Urbanas spent 14 years at the U.S. Treasury Department where she created and directed the Office of Environment and Energy and represented the United States on the boards of several international organizations including the Global Environment Facility, the Clean Technology Fund, the Millennium Challenge Corporation and the World Bank. Ms. Urbanas started her career in investment management on Wall Street and has also held a staff position at the World Bank. Ms. Urbanas has a B.A. from the College of William and Mary, an M.A. from the State University of New York at Albany, and an M.B.A from George Mason University.

Enrique Rodriguez-Flores

Energy Specialist, European Investment Bank (EIB)

Enrique Rodriguez-Flores is a Senior Specialist in the Energy Transition Programs Division of the European Investment Bank (EIB) in Luxemburg and has more than 30 years of work experience. Enrique received in 2010 a Ph.D. degree in Engineering from the Kassel University in Germany and in 2001 a Master of Science and Engineering title from the Technical University of Berlin in Germany. Enrique joined the EIB in 2017 and his areas of specialization are Climate Finance and Sustainable Energy, currently advising on operations in the clean energy sector in and outside Europe. Prior to joining the EIB, Enrique served as a Lead Energy Specialist at the Inter-American Development Bank, and previously as Senior Energy Advisor for a major German consulting company, where he was responsible for the design, financial structuring, implementation, supervision, and monitoring of sustainable energy projects and programs in many countries of the world.

Enrique Rodríguez-Flores es Especialista Senior en la División Programas de Transición Energética del Banco Europeo de Inversiones (BEI) en Luxemburgo y tiene más de 30 años de experiencia laboral. Enrique recibió en 2010 un grado de Doctorado en Ingeniería de la Universidad de Kassel, Alemania y en 2001 un título de Maestría en Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Universidad Técnica de Berlín, Alemania. Enrique ingresó al BEI en el año 2017 y sus áreas de especialización son Financiamiento Climático y Energías Sostenibles, asesorando actualmente en operaciones en el sector de energías limpias dentro y fuera de Europa. Antes de ingresar al BEI, Enrique se desempeñó como Especialista Líder de Energía en el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, y previamente como Asesor Sénior en Energía de una importante empresa consultora Alemana, donde fue responsable del diseño, estructuración financiera, implementación, supervisión y monitoreo de proyectos y programas de energías sostenibles en muchos países del mundo.

Faisel Khan

Senior Vice President, Finance, Sempra Energy

Faisel Khan is senior vice president of finance for Sempra Energy, and chief financial officer of Sempra LNG.

Khan is responsible for communicating Sempra Energy’s disciplined focus for delivering long-term shareholder value to the investment community, while providing oversight to Sempra Energy’s risk management and treasury matters. In his role as chief financial officer of Sempra LNG, Khan oversees accounting and financial modeling.

Previously, from 2018 to 2019, Khan was vice president of investor relations for Sempra Energy.

Prior to working at Sempra Energy, he was a managing director for Citigroup in New York, covering the natural gas, pipeline, midstream, refining and master limited partnership industries. Khan was ranked as one of the top financial analysts in the natural gas sector for 11 consecutive years by the Institutional Investor Survey.

Before joining Citigroup in 2005, Khan worked for six years at Credit Suisse First Boston, first in investment banking and, later, as an equity research analyst following the integrated pipeline, merchant power and gas distribution industries.

Khan serves on the board of directors of Infraestructura Energética Nova (IEnova).

He holds bachelor’s degrees in engineering and economics from the University of Pennsylvania.

Federica Salazar

Partner, Environmental Resources Management, (ERM)

Mrs. Salazar is an attorney with a master’s degree in environmental law, with broad legal and administrative experience in environmental and administrative law and related areas. She is an environmental, health, and safety law specialist with extensive experience in legal environmental training, legal advice and representation in businesses in both the public and private sectors. She currently leads the Transaction Advisory Service for ERM´s Latinoamerica (LAC) Region. Her broad experience is composed of support in connection with (i) HSE Permitting, obtaining licenses, concessions and permits needed to begin certain projects or businesses, (ii) ongoing compliance with environmental and health and safety regulations and standards (iii) M&A services all over the region and, (iv) with the proper management of contamination incidents and / or identification of environmental liabilities.

Fiona Clouder

Regional Ambassador, Latin America & Caribbean COP26

Fiona was appointed as the UK Government’s Regional Ambassador for Latin America and the Caribbean, COP26 in Mar 2020. Find out more about COP26, the 2021 UN Climate Conference.

Fiona joined the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (now FCDO) in 2001, from the Research Councils (now UKRI) to build and lead the FCO’s global Science and Innovation Network (UKSIN). In 2006 she went to India as Director of Corporate Services, returning to London in 2009 to work on Migration issues. From 2011, as Deputy Director, Americas, Fiona led the FCO’s strategy on Latin America (the Canning Agenda). Fiona served as Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Chile from Feb 2014 to Jun 2018. On return her work included Americas, Overseas Territories, Climate Diplomacy and preparations for COP26.

Gabriel Prudencio

Head of Sustainable Energies Division, Ministry of Mines and Energy of Chile

Gema Sancristan

Chief Investment Officer, IDB Invest

Gema Sacristán is IDB Invest’s Chief Investment Officer. She joined the Inter-American Development Bank in 2008 as an Investment Officer in the Structured and Corporate Finance Department, where she subsequently became Chief of the Financial Markets Division. Prior to this role, she held various leadership positions in commercial and investment banking in Madrid, London and New York. Among them, she was the director of the Export and Agency Financing Unit for the Americas at BBVA New York and vice president and product manager in the area of Global Trade Finance at Banco Santander Nueva York.

Glaucia Roveri dos Santos

Energy & Environment Manager, South America General Motors

Glaucia Santos is currently Energy, Environmental and Sustainability Manager at General Motors South America. She worked in various positions on Environmental, Facilities and Energy Management areas of the company in Brazil and the US. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Association of Large Energy Consumers (ABRACE), Coordinator of the Energy and Environment Subcommittee of ANFAVEA and Member of the Vehicle Electrification Technical Committee. Glaucia has a degree in Chemical Engineer, a postgraduate degree in Environmental Management and an MBA in Business Management.

John Padilla

Managing Director, IPD Latin America

As Managing Director and partner at IPD, John leverages years of Wall Street experience in structured energy and infrastructure financing to offer comprehensive perspective on energy investment throughout Latin America.

John led IPD’s expansion into Mexico in 2001. He has since played a vital role in the development of lobbying efforts to encourage a healthy, more vigorous Mexican energy sector. With 15 years of direct consulting experience in Mexico, John is one of the premier experts on the politics and policy of that country’s energy industry. In 2011 he relocated to Bogota in order to participate more directly in the resurgence of Colombia’s oil and gas sectors.

John co-heads IPD’s business throughout Latin America, contributing a strong pragmatism and tactical expertise to support project risk and opportunity assessment. He has devised comprehensive government relations, key stakeholder management, and legislative and regulatory analysis services to enhance clients’ ability to navigate Latin America’s complex business environments. John is frequently quoted in the U.S. and international press, and speaks regularly at industry conferences and events.

Prior to joining IPD, John was Vice President and a Global Relationship Manager with Dresdner Kleinwort Benson in its N.Y. based Energy, Utility and Infrastructure Group, focusing on large domestic and international projects in Latin America, the U.S. and Asia. He also held positions with the project finance group at Banque Paribas and the transportation group at Manufacturers Hanover (now JP Morgan Chase).

Bachelor of Science, Boston College, 1991 – Major: Finance

Languages Spoken
English (native), Spanish (fluent)

Jorge Milanese

Regional Director, Latin America, Sproule

Jorge Milanese is Sproule’s Regional Director of Latin America responsible for developing and executing Sproule’s client engagement strategy in the region.  Jorge is an experienced oil and gas professional with expertise in domestic and international business development, acquisitions and divestitures, corporate development and upstream assets management. He had a leading role in a wide range of conventional and unconventional energy projects in North and South America. His areas of expertise include upstream investment opportunity identification, both in conventional and unconventional reservoirs, financial and technical evaluation, strategy development and contract negotiation and administration of operated and non-operated joint ventures. Jorge’s previous experience includes engagements with major global oil and gas operating companies as business development Vice President and Assets Vice President. Jorge has proudly served in the Argentinean Navy as a Naval Aviation Officer. He holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has a degree in aeronautical engineering. Jorge maintains membership in several professional organizations and societies.

Jorge Rivera Staff

Secretary of Energy of Panama

Jorge Rivera Staff has been the National Energy Secretary of Panama since July 2019. Since that date, he has also been President of the Board of Directors of the Electricity Transmission Enterprise (ETESA), member of the Rural Electrification Office Executive Committee and member of the National Authority Public Services Board of Directors.

He has a degree in Law and Political Science, with a PhD in Administrative Law from the Complutense University of Madrid. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Energy Law from the Superior Institute of Energy (ISE) of Spain.

He has more than 10 years of experience advising governments and private companies on legal, regulatory and public policy issues in the energy sector.

His academic preparation includes a specialization in Globalization and General Interest Public Services, as well as a specialization on Integration Processes in Europe and America at the Carlos III University of Madrid. He also has Postgraduate MBA in Strategic Management, from the Inter-American University of Panama.

He studied at the Institute for Social Development (INDES) from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Public Management results oriented for Development, and has a Diploma in Political Management and Governance from the George Washington University and the University of Panama. Knowledge that he reinforced in the Regional School of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), on Public Policy Analysis from the Human Development perspective.

Within his public career, he served as Legal Advisor of ETESA and Legal Adviser officer in the Electricity Direction of the National Energy Secretariat during its organization period.

He obtained a Postgraduate Degree in Superior Teaching at the Specialized University of the Americas, and ventures as an academic in public and private universities, by teaching Electrical Law for a Master in Administrative Law at the Latin University of Panama. Also taught for a Diploma in Electric Market of the Technological University of Panama, as well as Administrative Procedural Law and Economic Law at the Santa Maria la Antigua University (USMA).

While  exercising his political life, he held the Presidency of the Energy and Telecommunications Commission of the National Bar Association for the period 2015-2017, and the Representation of large clients in the Operational Committee of the electricity market during the period 2016- 2018. He is a member of the Ibero-American Forum of Administrative Law, of the Latin American CAF Governance Network, as well as of the Network of Ibero-American Energy Experts of the CEDDET Foundation.

Founder and director of Enlex consultants, specialists in legal, regulatory and public policy aspects of the Panamanian energy sector with an emphasis on the electricity market.

Advisor, consultant and facilitator for private companies, public entities, NGOs and United Nations agencies. Speaker or moderator in various forums on law and energy, among other topics. He is the author of recognized publications, as well as multiple articles of socio-political opinion in newspapers and magazines with national circulation.

Author of “Fundamentals of Electrical Law”. Editorial Barrios & Barrios. 2017 After performing various tasks in public and private sectors, in July 2019 he assumed the responsibility of directing the Ministry of Energy. Among his main challenges is working for energy security and energy transition, promoting renewable energies and continuing to regulating the hydrocarbon sector, fundamental axes for the social and economic development of the country.


His mission is to conduct the country’s energy policy, within the current constitutional framework, to guarantee a competitive, sufficient, high-quality, economically viable and environmentally sustainable supply of energy resources for Panama´s development. The National Energy Secretariat attached to the Presidency of the Republic, has the mission of establishing and promoting the country’s Energy Policy to:

  1. Guarantee the energy security supply,
  2. Achieve access to electricity throughout the country,
  3. Promote the rational and efficient use of energy and electricity,
  4. Promote research and development of Panama natural resources with potential to produce energy, including mainly renewable and cleaner energies,
  5. Promote the use of energy in a sustainable manner,
  6. Support in the implementation of the regional electrical interconnection,
  7. Comply with the time commitments for mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

These objectives are in accordance with the National Development Plan of Panama and comply with the economic, competitive, and quality parameters.


A population with full access to energy supplies, at competitive prices, operating within an adequate legal and regulatory framework. Based on a strong drive for the efficient use of energy and technological research and development; with broad promotion of the use of alternative energy sources; and with security of supply.

Changes in an increasingly globalized world affected the direction of Panama’s economy, and made it necessary to modernize and strengthen the structure, to respond to new world trends and the demands of an increasingly participatory Panamanian society, which demands better services.

The restructuring process mainly sought the specialization of the National Energy Secretary in two (2) sectors: hydrocarbons and electricity, without losing sight of the importance and necessary role of the national energy policy formulation.

In 2011, strategies and actions for restructuring and resizing of the National Secretariat of Energy were established, which are specified in a flatter organizational structure and in accordance with the development policy of the National Government.

The new structure was established in Law No. 43 of April 25, 2011 (Official Gazette No. 26771 of Monday, April 25, 2011) which reorganizes the National Energy Secretary and dictates other provisions. (Repeals Law No. 52 of July 30, 2008). With this new structure and with the application of strategies of innovation, quality, modernization and optimization of resources, it is how the National Secretariat of Energy orients its work to design energy public policies.


Among the primary functions of the National Energy Secretary are:

  • Promote the sector growth, towards a diversified energy matrix, capable of reducing: costs, adverse social and environmental impacts, vulnerability and dependence on limited resources
  • Promote a competitive market
  • Maximize the energy efficiency of the national energy system;
  • Promote a regulatory framework which facilitates the rules for a modern and efficient electricity system
  • Work in a consultative manner with all elements and stakeholders of the national energy sector, whether from the public or private sector nationwide.

Jose Luis Manzano

Chairman, Integra Capital

José Luis Manzano is an Argentine businessman with a deep understanding of Latin American public policy and global emerging markets. He possesses significant experience in the investment, media, energy and distress industries. He speaks frequently across the world on these issues. Dr. Manzano founded the international firm Integra Capital, a private equity and merchant banking firm. Integra also provides services such as mergers and acquisitions, financial structuring, IPOs, due diligence procedures, debt and company restructuring, among others.

Juan Martin Bulgheroni

VP Upstream Strategy & Planning for Argentina at Pan American Energy

Juan Martín Bulgheroni is currently the VP Upstream Strategy & Planning for Argentina at Pan American Energy. Since 2012, he has also held other VP positions.

Between 2003 and 2011, he has worked at Beusa Energy LLC, an E&P company based in Houston where he developed Tight and Shale gas plays as Resource Development Manager; from 2008 on, he was the company’s Chief Financial Officer.

During 1998 and 2000, he held positions in Partner Relations, Merger and Acquisitions at DLS Argentina Limited an Oil & Gas drilling and well services Company.

He is a member and past Director of IAPGH, Argentine Oil and Gas Institute of Houston and of the Society of Petroleum Engineers Member.

Juan Martín is Board Member of Institute of America and he became a founding Board member of STEAM Sin Fronteras.

He graduated as Bachelor of Science and obtained a degree in Petroleum Engineering at Colorado School of Mines. Also obtained an MBA at Darden Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Virginia, USA.

Kevin Ramnarine

Former Minister of Energy of Trinidad and Tobago & Senior Consultant with IPD Latin America

Kevin Ramnarine served as Minister of Energy of Trinidad and Tobago from June 2011 to September 2015.

During his tenure he created a positive climate for investment which resulted in major investments in deepwater exploration, the expansion of the petrochemical sector and new port infrastructure. Under his watch, Trinidad and Tobago attained country compliant status with the EITI in addition to the first IPO of a State-owned energy company (TTNGL).

Prior to being appointed Energy Minister, he held positions in the Energy Chamber and at British Gas where he worked as the Lead Economist. He holds a B.Sc. in Chemistry, a M.Sc. in petroleum engineering and an International MBA with distinction.

Since leaving Ministerial office, he has worked as a consultant for major companies in Trinidad and Tobago and internationally. He is currently a Senior Consultant for the consulting firm IPD Latin America. He is a regular speaker at international conferences and is a media commentator on energy related matters in his native Trinidad and Tobago and in Guyana. He is also a lecturer in two MBA programmes at the Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business in Trinidad and Tobago.

For his contribution to the development of the Trinidad and Tobago energy sector he received the award of “Energy Executive of the Year” from the Petroleum Economist magazine in 2014.

Manuel Pablo Zunniga Pflucker

President and CEO, PetroTal Corp

Manuel Zúñiga is a petroleum engineer with 30 years of industry experience. Mr. Zúñiga was a founder and the President and Chief Executive Officer of BPZ when oil was discovered in the Corvina field of the Z-1 Block, brought online in less than two years using the first floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit ever used in Peru and developed with a buoyant drilling and production platform. Prior to completion of the Arrangement, Mr Zúñiga had been the President and Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Managers of PetroTal LLC since January 2016.

He started his career as a junior engineer with Occidental Petroleum where he worked in Block 1-AB, located in the northern jungle of Peru. He was born and raised in Talara, Peru and has led exploration and development projects for oil and gas in Peru, as well as other countries in Latin America. He has established relationships with operators in Peru, including owners of the targeted assets, and has good relationships with government agencies in the region. Mr. Zúñiga holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maryland and a Masters of Science degree in Petroleum Engineering from Texas A&M University.

Marcelino Madrigal

Principal Energy Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

Dr. Marcelino Madrigal is a principal energy specialist and electric mobility leader at the Inter-American Development Bank. He has over 20 years of experience in the areas of electricity markets and power systems planning, operations, and regulation. Dr. Madrigal graduated with a Master of Science from the Morelia Technology Institute and received his PhD in Electric Power and Markets from the University of Waterloo, Canada.

Marta Jara Otero

Non-Resident Fellow

Ex President of ANCAP (Administración Nacional de Combustibles, Alcohol y Portland), Uruguay • After more than 20 years international experience at Royal Dutch Shell, Marta left her position as President of the Shell companies in Mexico to join the energy industry in her native Uruguay • Chemical Engineer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires • MA in Strategic Financial Management at Kingston University, UK, executive education programs at IMD in Lausanne and Harvard Kennedy School of Government. She has accepted an invitation to the upcoming Georgetown Leadership Seminar 2019 at the Edmund Walsh School of Foreign Service

Nadia Rhazi Khawar

Director | Business Development | Structured Finance and Insurance U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC)

Nadia Rhazi Khawar is the Director for Business Development in the Office of Structured Finance and Insurance at the US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC). In this role, Nadia focuses on early deal origination and directly engages with project sponsors to determine their eligibility, terms, and structuring for DFC debt financing and political risk insurance.

Nadia joined DFC’s predecessor agency, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, in 2015 from the Department of Energy’s Office of International Affairs, where she spent three years as a Senior Advisor on Latin America and Caribbean. Nadia has also worked in the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer and the Department of Justice’s Law and Policy Office in the Environment and Natural Resources Division.

Nadia has a Masters of Public Policy degree from U.C. Berkeley, where she focused on energy and environmental policy, and a Bachelors in Political Science/International Affairs from UCLA.

Neil Brown

Managing Director, KKR

Neil R. Brown (New York) joined KKR in 2014 and is a Director in the KKR Global Institute. Mr. Brown is also a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council of the United States. Prior to joining KKR, Mr. Brown served for over eight years as a senior staff member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where he concurrently led energy security efforts for Senator Richard G. Lugar. He has also served as a senior advisor at Goldwyn Global Strategies, on the U.S. Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative advisory committee for the U.S. Secretary of Interior, and as a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Mr. Brown currently serves on the boards of The Lugar Center, Merton College Charitable Corporation, Association of American Rhodes Scholars, and Columbia University Energy Journalism Initiative. An Iowa native, Mr. Brown is an honors graduate of Harvard University and received graduate MSc and MPhil degrees from Oxford University, which he attended as a Rhodes Scholar.

Omar Paganini

Minister of Industry, Energy & Mining, Ministry of Industry, Energy & Mining, Uruguay

Until his appointment as Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining, he was director of the UCU Business School.

In 1990 he founded an engineering and automation services company for industry. In 1995 he settled in the department of Paysandú to assume the position of director of the company Paylana S.A., where it generated an innovation in textile technology. Between 2001 and 2003, back in Montevideo, he joined Antel’s ITC consultancy. From 2003 he was dean of the Faculty of Engineering of the Catholic University of Uruguay and later served as vice-rector of Economic Management and Development.

Minister Paganini holds a degree in electrical engineering from the University of the Republic and holds a master’s degree in Business Management from the Universidad Católica del Uruguay. He has also completed coursework in Entrepreneurship at Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley Universities, as well as the Global PON program at Harvard University.

Rafael Velazco

Superintendent of Electricity of the Dominican Republic

Mr. Velazco holds an MBA from the Université du Quebec a Montreal (UQUAM). He is  also a graduate of the American Language Program at Columbia University and Changing  the Game: Negotiation & Competitive Decision Making from Harvard Business School.  Graduated from the Ultimad Technical Maintenance and Operation course applied to  Distribution assets taught by CIER. 

Currently serves as the Superintendent of Electricity of the Dominican Republic. Mr.  Velazco is also a Member of the Board of Directors of the Commission for Regional  Energy Integration (CECACIER) based in Costa Rica. 

His previous professional experiences also include: 

• Transcontinental Capital Corporation, LTD (Seaboard) were he was a founder and  directed the Commercial Department of this North American generating  company. 

• Superintendency of Electricity of the Dominican Republic where he developed  the Department of the Wholesale Electricity Market. 

• Founder and a Member of the Board of Directors of the Coordinating Body of the  National Interconnected Electric System of the Dominican Republic. • Director of the Commercial Department for Smith-Enron Generating Company  (San Felipe). As part of the Enron group, Mr. Velazco also collaborated with  Compañía de Luz y Fuerza Eléctrica (CALIFE) in Venezuela and Compañía  Generadora Puerto Quetzal Power in Guatemala. 

• Director of Regulation and Rates Department for the Southern Distribution  Company (EDESUR) and Northern Distribution Company (EDENORTE) of the  Dominican Republic. • Developed and directed the Commercial Department for the Punta Cana Macao  

Rafaela Guedes

Senior Fellow, Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI), and Chief Economist, Petrobras

Rafaela Guedes is a Senior Fellow of the Energy Program at the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) and Petrobras´ Chief Economist. At Petrobras, she is responsible for developing and monitoring the company’s corporate scenarios, macroeconomic forecasts, oil and oil products demand outlook, and the development of strategic competitive analysis. Her main areas of interest are strategy, energy and climate change. She is currently a member of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative Executive Committee. Rafaela joined Petrobras in 2006. Since then she progressed through a number of assignments, having worked in the Corporate E&P segment, in Investor Relations, and in International New Businesses Development. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economic Sciences from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and a Master’s degree in International Management from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV).

Roberto Herrera

Managing Director, Head of Dominican Republic, InterEnergy

Roberto is the CEO of CESPM and its operator Basic de la República Dominicana. He is also the Executive Director and Vice President to the Board of CEPM and a member of the InterEnergy Board.

Roberto has over 20 years’ experience working in the Latin America energy sector. Previously, he was the Deputy Country Manager in the Dominican Republic of Basic Energy; Vice President for Administration of EGE HAINA and CEPM; and Regional Manager for the Americas of Scotia Energy Ltd.

Roberto has an economics degree from Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra in Santo Domingo and an MBA (based on the University of North Carolina programme), magna cum laude from Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

In 1997 he was awarded a British Chevening Scholarship to study a master of science in business economics at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.

Roberto Quirós Balma

Electric Mobility Program Coordinator, Grupo ICE (Costa Rica)

I have 20+ years of experience in the energy sector, currently at ICE, in charge of the electric mobility strategy implementation, together with a team of people throughout Costa Rica, who seek to create national conditions for the growth of electric fleets, commercial linkages and customer relations of the wholesale electricity sector. Before, I served as an advisor for the Electricity Manager at ICE, and worked in wholesale electricity markets at both a Costa Rican national level and internationally. During my tenure at ICE, I have team up to the development of commercial strategies for energy trade with private electricity generators and the Regional Electrical Market (MER).

My academic background includes degree’s in Electricity Markets, data analytics and climate change from Mexico, Colombia and Costa Rican’s universities, a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Business Administration with emphasis in Management.

Rodolfo Lacy

Director, Environment Directorate, OECD

On 1 August 2018, Dr. Rodolfo Lacy was appointed Director of the Environment Directorate of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Dr. Lacy holds a Doctorate Degree in Environmental Science and Engineering from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Mexico), a Master’s Degree in Urban Studies and Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Engineering from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Mexico) and a certificate in Leadership on Environment and Sustainable Development from El Colegio de México.

Dr. Lacy has been Vice Minister of Environmental Policy and Planning at the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico (2012-2018), Chief negotiator of Climate Change (COP19-COP23), Co-chair of the Global Methane Initiative, Member of the High-Level Group of the Global Environmental Outlook (GEO6), and Board Member of the Climate Action Reserve in California, USA.

Dr. Lacy has had extensive experience in policy making in the field of environment. He held the following positions:

• Technical Director at Mario Molina Center for Energy and Environmental Strategic Studies (2005-2012), a policy research NGO lead by Dr. Mario Molina, a chemist Nobel Prize laureated for his scientific work in the depletion of the ozone layer;
• Chief of Staff for the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources (2000-2003);
• Founder President of the Mexican Environmental Engineering Association CINAM (1996-1998);
• General Director of Environmental Projects and Studies and of Environmental Pollution Control and Prevention – Mexico City Government (1989-1997);
• Director of Environmental Planning at the Ministry of Urban Development and Ecology (1982-1987); among other relevant assignments.

Dr. Lacy is a Mexican national.

Rolando Gonzalez Bunster

Chief Executive Officer & Chairman, InterEnergy

Rolando founded the business in 1988 and has over 40 years of experience in project management and business development.

He began his career at Gulf & Western Industries where he started out as a special assistant to chairman and founder Charles Bluhdorn, eventually becoming its youngest corporate Vice President and Head of International Operations. After Gulf & Western, Rolando went on to establish his own companies to acquire and operate assets in the region.

Rolando, Georgetown University College Class 1968, serves on many of his alma mater’s boards. He was Chair of the International Initiatives Board and is currently a trustee on the Board of Advisers of the Georgetown College of Arts and Sciences and director of the Latin American Board.

He is a Director and Trustee of the William, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. He is also a member of the Energy Committee of the Clinton Global Initiative, focusing on the development of clean and renewable energy. Rolando is proud to be a founding member of the Walkabout Foundation which has distributed 21,000 wheelchairs to date.

Salvador Handal

Executive Secretary, National Energy Commission (CNE) of El Salvador

Santiago Sacerdote

General Manager, YPF Tecnología (Y-TEC) and Executive Director of H2Ar Consortium

Saverio Minervini

Director, Latin American Corporates, FitchRatings

Saverio Minervini is a director in Fitch Ratings’ Energy & Utilities Latin America corporate team.
Saverio joined Fitch in 2015. Prior to joining Fitch, Saverio was an Associated Director on the Latin American Investment Banking team at Nomura. He also worked for UBS in New York and Sao Paulo.
Saverio has a BBA from Pace University and an MS in Financial Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology.

Silvia Alvarado

President, Energy Intelligence Consulting

Sira Corbetta

Chief Sustainability Officer, Jaguar

Sylvie D’Apote

Executive Director for Natural Gas, Brazilian Petroleum Institute (IBP)

Sylvie D’Apote an energy economist with over 25 years of experience as an international energy consultant, spanning the whole energy spectrum from oil & gas to coal and biomass. Focusing on Latin America since 1999 and based in Brazil since 2003, Sylvie has developed a deep expertise on regional natural gas issues, supply-demand dynamics, regulation, prices and contracts, geopolitics and market integration, cross-border gas and LNG trade, gas-power convergence. She is the Founder and Managing Partner of PRYSMA E&T CONSULTORES. Sylvie is a frequent speaker at seminars and conferences, both in Brazil and abroad, on various subjects related to the Brazilian and South America oil and gas industry. She is the author or co-author of several books and articles on natural gas. She speaks fluently English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.

Tania Ortiz Mena

CEO, IEnova

Tania Ortiz Mena has been serving as Chief Executive Officer for IEnova since September 2018 and has served on the Board of Directors since January 2019. Prior to her appointment, she served as Chief Development Officer for IEnova, heading both the Business Development and the Commercial divisions in 2016-2018. Tania began her career at IEnova in 2000, having held positions as General Manager, Project Director, Director for Government and Regulation Affairs, Chief Foreign Affairs Officer, and Chief Foreign Affairs and Business Development Officer. In 1994-1999, Tania worked at PMI, a Pemex subsidiary, as Deputy Commercial Manager for Refined Products, heading the international trade of heavy oil products.

Tania Ortiz Mena holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations from the Universidad Iberoamericana and a Master’s Degree in International Relations from Boston University.

She currently serves on the Boards of the Asociación Mexicana de Gas Natural and the World Energy Council-Mexico Chapter, and is a member of the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations. In 2015-2016, Tania was Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Asociación Mexicana de Gas Natural. In addition, she served on the Consulting Council of the Energy Regulatory Comission.

Warren Levy

CEO, Jaguar


Virtual Roundtables “Invite-only”  every Wednesday

Wednesday, May 5

Scenario I: Elections and Energy

9:00 PDT Opening Remarks/Context – Short Framing Presentations

Raul Gallegos, Director, Control Risk
Francisco Salazar, Non-Resident Fellow, Institute of the Americas
Roger Tissot, Non-Resident Fellow, Institute of the Americas

9:30 PDT Moderated Discussion

10:15 PDT Close

Friday, May 7

Getting to Net-Zero – Technology, Critical Minerals and Energy Transition

7:30 PDT Networking Lounge Opens

8:00 PDT Plenary – Latin America on the Road to Glasgow and COP26

Fiona Clouder, Regional Ambassador, Latin America & Caribbean, COP 26
Rodolfo Lacy, Director, Environment Directorate, OECD

8:30 PDT Panel I – Hydrogen as a Building Block

Omar Paganini, Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining of Uruguay
Jorge Rivera Staff, Secretary of Energy of Panama

Santiago Sacerdote, General Manager, YPF Tecnología (Y-TEC) and Executive Director of H2Ar Consortium
Agnes da Costa, Head of the Regulatory Advisory Office, Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil

Affairs, Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil
Gabriel Prudencio, Head of Sustainable Energies Division, Ministry of Mines and Energy of Chile
Moderated by: Marta Jara, Non-Resident Fellow, Institute of the Americas

9:30 PDT Networking Break

10:00 PDT Panel II – Electrifying Transport in Latin America

Rolando Gonzalez-Bunster, CEO, InterEnergy
Marcelino Madrigal, Principal Energy Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Roberto Quirós Balma, Electric Mobility Program Coordinator, Grupo ICE (Costa Rica)
Glaucia Roveri dos Santos, Energy & Environment Manager, South America, General Motors
Moderated by: Cecilia Aguillon, Director, Energy Transition Initiative, Institute of the Americas

11:00 PDT Networking

12:00 PDT Platform Close

Virtual Roundtables “Invite-only” every Wednesday

Wednesday, May 12

Scenario II: Future of Transport

9:00 PDT Opening Remarks/Context – Short Framing Presentations

Leonardo Beltran, Non-Resident Fellow, Institute of the Americas

Aykut I. Ölçer, Professor, Director of Maritime Research, World Maritime University

Rodrigo Perez-Alonso, Consultant & Former Executive Director of the National Air Transportation Chamber in Mexico

Ellie Casson, City Policy & Government Affairs, Waymo 

Moderated by: Leonardo Beltran, Non-Resident Fellow, Institute of the Americas 

9:30 PDT Moderated Discussion

10:15 PDT Close

Friday, May 14

Country Updates

7:30 PDT Networking Lounge Opens

8:00 PDT Plenary – Biden Administration Energy & Climate Vision for the Americas

Elizabeth Urbanas, Acting Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, US Department of Energy

Anna Shpitsberg, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Transformation, Bureau of Energy Resources, US Department of State

8:30 PDT Panel I – Southern Cone Natural Gas Outlook – Focus on Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia

Decio Oddone, CEO, Enauta

Sylvie D’Apote, Executive Director for Natural Gas, Brazilian Petroleum Institute (IBP)

Christian Iturri, General Manager New Markets Americas, Shell

Rafaela Guedes, Senior Fellow, Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI), and Chief Economist, Petrobras

Juan Martín Bulgheroni, Vice President, Upstream Operations for Argentina, Pan American Energy

Moderated by: Jeremy M. Martin, Vice President, Energy & Sustainability, Institute of the Americas 

9:45 PDT Networking Break

10:00 PDT Panel II – Andes Oil and Gas Outlook – Focus on Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

Armando Zamora, President, ANH Colombia

Carlos Sarmiento, Managing Director, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru, Schlumberger

Tony Hayward, Executive Chairman, SierraCol Energy
Saverio Minervini, Director, Latin American Corporates, FitchRatings
Manuel Pablo Zúñiga-Pflücker, President and CEO, PetroTal Corp

Moderated by: Jorge Milanese, Regional Director, Latin America, Sproule

11:15 PDT Networking

12:00 PDT Platform Close

Virtual Roundtables “Invite-only” every Wednesday

Wednesday, May 19

Scenario III: Electrifying Everything

9:00 PDT Opening Remarks/Context – Short Framing Presentations

Thorsten Dradrach, Head of Power Region America, MAN Energy Solutions

Andres Chambouleyron, Non-Resident Fellow, Institute of the America
German Chullmir, CEO, Orel Energy Group

Moderated by: Cecilia Aversa, Managing Director for Innovation, Integra Capital

9:30 PDT Moderated Discussion

10:15 PDT Close

Friday, May 21

Country Updates

7:30 PDT Networking Lounge Opens

8:00 PDT Plenary – Building Back Better and Charting a Post-Covid Recovery

Alfonso Blanco, Executive Secretary, OLADE


8:30 PDT Panel I – Central America and the Caribbean Outlook

Salvador Handal, Executive Secretary, National Energy Commission (CNE) of El Salvador

Kevin Ramnarine, former Minister of Energy of Trinidad & Tobago

Silvia Alvarado, President, Energy Intelligence Consulting

Rafael Velazco, Superintendent of Electricity of the Dominican Republic

Moderated by: Cecilia Aguillon, Director, Energy Transition Initiative, Institute of the Americas

9:30 PDT Networking Break

10:00 PDT Panel II – United States-Mexico Energy Cooperation – Shaping a Sustainable, Affordable and Accessible Sector

Tania Ortiz Mena, CEO, IEnova

Warren Levy, CEO, Jaguar
Cecilia De La Macorra, Director for the Americas, International Government Relations, Exxon Mobil Corporation
Moderated by: Carlos Pascual, Senior Vice President, Global Energy, IHS Markit

11:00 PDT Networking

12:00 PDT Platform Close





Virtual Roundtables “Invite-only” every Wednesday

Wednesday, May 26

Scenario IV: Future of Hydrocarbons

9:00 PDT Opening Remarks/Context – Short Framing Presentations

Chris Mylde, Senior Vice President, Sproule

Chris Sladen, Non-Resident Fellow, Institute of the Americas

Marta Jara, Non-Resident Fellow, Institute of the Americas

Moderated by: Carlos De Regules, Partner, Deloitte S-LATAM

9:30 PDT Moderated Discussion

10:15 PDT Close

Friday, May 28

Financing Recovery

7:30 PDT Networking Lounge Opens 

7:55 PDT Welcoming Remarks  

Bertrand Piccard, Chairman, Solar Impulse Foundation

8:00 PDT Plenary – Low Carbon Goals and Bridging the Finance Gap

Jose Luis Manzano, Chairman, Integra Capital


8:30 PDT Panel I – ESG – Divestitures, Green Bonds, Investment and Directing Capital

Faisel H. Khan, Senior Vice President, Finance, Sempra Energy

Neil Brown, Managing Director, KKR

Sira Corbetta, Chief Sustainability Officer, Jaguar

Roberto Herrera, Managing Director, Head of Dominican Republic, InterEnergy
Moderated by: Federica Salazar, Partner, Environmental Resources Management (ERM)

9:45 PDT Networking Break

10:00 PDT Panel II – IFI’s and Export Credit Programs

Gema Sacristan, Chief Investment Officer, IDB Invest
Enrique Rodriguez-Flores, Energy Specialist, European Investment Bank (EIB)
Nadia Rhazi Khawar, Director, Business Development, Structured Finance and Insurance, U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC)
Moderated by: John Padilla, Managing Director, IPD Latin America

11:00 PDT Networking

12:00 PDT Platform Close